Seize the Day — Literally: Control Your Day Before It Controls You
Seize the Day — Literally: Control Your Day Before It Controls You
Are you ready to Seize the Day and learn to control your time and habits before they control you?
Have you ever had one of those days where you felt behind all day long?
Maybe it starts with oversleeping or an unexpected crisis. Regardless of the cause, it’s a very frustrating feeling to spend the day unable to catch up.
Perhaps those are the days you think, I’ve got to start getting control of my life. Or maybe I need to plan better—I’ll get a handle on it tomorrow.
While you can’t go back and restart today, the I’ll start tomorrow or I’ll start next week mindset doesn’t help you improve your life. The best time to start is today—now.
But how can you do that when you’ve spent the day behind-the-8-ball?
The fact is, if you wait for the right time to make a change, it will never arrive. There will never be a perfect time to start doing something.
That’s why learning how to change your mindset in the moment is necessary for creating a better life this afternoon, tonight—or even in 15 minutes.
Be Intentional
Still want to seize the day?
The vital change that you can make to avoid letting your days control you is to shift to a mindset of easeful intention.
Purposeful living results in a happier, healthier, and more easeful lifestyle.
It may feel easier to put off changing your mindset and intentions, because you think you don’t have the “time.”
What you actually don’t have is the strategy and support to use your time in the most meaningful way possible.
I specialize in helping members of my community learn proven techniques for implementing the daily habits that allow them to use their time in the most meaningful way possible.
I teach members of my Journey to Thrive program how to gradually align their intentions with their actions by making small incremental changes over time. Through daily practice participants embrace simple strategies to live a life of health and ease.
Pause for a moment and consider what you want your life to look and feel like in 10, 20, or 30 years?
If you don’t take intentional actions on a daily basis you will not be living that life in the future. It won’t happen just because you thought about it or wished for it.
You must take consistent daily action toward the life you want.
Create Habits
Part of living purposefully and intentionally is creating healthy habits and routines for yourself.
We all have a list of things we should be doing or that we plan to do. Just how do you go about accomplishing these things when you already have a demanding schedule and hectic life?
Members of Journey to Thrive learn to live life with ease and in control of their time, by upgrading one habit at a time.
Habits are not developed overnight. You have to:
1) be ready and willing to act using proven behavioral change techniques;
2) be patient with yourself; and most importantly,
3) be a member of a like-minded group of people who have a growth mindset.
Don’t give up if you skip a day or find yourself in a “behind-the-8-ball” moment. Gently remind yourself that you’re a work in progress and guide yourself back toward your intention.
Before long, you’ll begin to see that the foundational habits you’re putting in place are allowing you to stay on track in other areas of your life. You’ll feel more at ease, both mentally and physically, and you’ll be prepared for any unexpected curveballs life throws at you.
In addition, you’ll feel more organized with a plan for each day. When you start each day with a healthy routine that includes:
Connecting to the big picture
Exercising in sync with your breath
…all before eating a healthy breakfast—you’ll be energized and clear-headed.
Soon, you will see that making even small positive changes can really impact the way your life unfolds long term.
If you want to learn the science of continually building and sustaining positive habits, book a 20-minute Discover Call to find out if my Journey to Thrive program is right for you.
Get Accountability
Accountability plays a fundamental role in taking control of your time.
Did you know that you are only 20% likely to stick to a change you make on your own, but you’re 70–80% likely to stick with your change if you make it within a dynamic group?
The reason for that success rate is because we are social beings who learn from each other and feel compelled to show up as our best in a group with others who are also committed to being their best.
If you only ever have yourself to be accountable to, then you may let other people’s priorities take precedence over your commitments to yourself.
But if you know that you have the support of a group, not only are you much more likely to stick to your new choices you are also able to get back on track very quickly when you do have setbacks.
That’s another reason why Journey to Thrive is a great tool for taking control of your time. Not only do I provide coaching on how to go about it, you also receive the support and accountability of my amazing community of Thrivers.
Journey to Thrive was an incredible journey of reconnection with the major priorities of my full state of health, as in physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. I recommend the program to anyone who feels a bit out of touch with themselves or imbalanced with their everyday priorities.
Lydie Ometto, Yoga, Massage, and Physical Therapist/Reiki Master
It’s encouraging to see the results of others and share your own. So while the concept of accountability may seem a bit nerve-wracking, it’s a beneficial tool that helps foster progress for every member of the group.
It’s never too late to make a change.
Keep in mind that your big picture goal is growth, progress, and change. While we have certain things that need to get done today to meet our short-term goals, eventually our goals will change and we will need a lifestyle that supports our continued growth, not just an isolated goal.
Intentional living is going to look different for everyone, but it is always about empowering yourself to make positive changes.
If you’re looking to empower yourself and make a shift in your perspective,
Brooke’s coaching is for you!
Cheryl Golich, CPA, Business Owner, Yoga Teacher
Once you create deliberate habits that allow you to live a fulfilled life and prioritize the things that are most important to you, you begin to act from within—from a position of confidence—rather than reacting to what comes to you externally on a daily basis.
Think about it—regardless of what you do, time is going to march on. Would you rather live intentionally, in happiness and well-being, or let circumstances dictate your experience of life?
The time to seize your day and life is now!
The time to start living a vibrant and energized life is now!